ATTENTION: Optimize Your Mental And Physical Health To The Next Level...
Did You Believe The Lies Too?
For most of my life, I believed lies about the food I ate. I was conditioned to believe that dietary fat was toxic to my body and that not eating frequently would slow down my metabolism. I was told that I needed to eat more fruits and vegetables and less meat.
My energy levels used to be all over the place and I had major issues with my gut health. I would totally crash after meals, feeling extremely mentally drained and very lethargic. I assumed that falling energy levels were just a natural part of eating.
Add to these significant levels of chronic anxiety, stress, and even depression as I tried to build a successful business.
Eventually, things got so bad that I struggled to go anywhere in public. I always felt cold, heavy, and down. I knew something had to change. I couldn’t keep living like this.
I tried the keto diet but didn’t get the results I was looking for. Honestly, things got even worse.
Then I had a life changing conversation with a friend who also happens to be a doctor. He specializes in helping people optimize their mental and physical health.
He told me about something called the Carnivore Diet. Apparently, Joe Rogan and Jordan Peterson had both seen the diet produce huge results.
I figured I might as well give it a shot. I mean, why not? Nothing else had worked. What did I have to lose?
The results were...well, incredible.
Literally, within days my gut issues subsided. Within weeks, my mood dramatically improved and the fog of depression and anxiety lifted. My energy levels were higher and my thoughts clearer.
Now, to be clear, the Carnivore Diet didn’t solve all my problems. I had to do mental work as well to eliminate unhelpful thought patterns and coping mechanisms.
But adopting the Carnivore Diet made an enormous difference. The simple truth is that when it comes to optimizing performance, diet is the BIGGEST, most powerful lever.
But What About Plants?
But surely we need to keep a lot of plants in our diet, right?
In fact, plants NEVER want to be eaten and have evolved sophisticated defenses over the years to protect themselves. Molecules you’ve probably heard of such as Gluten, Lectins, Polyphenols, Sulforaphane, Resveratrol, Goitrogens, Saponins, Carotenoids are all natural pesticides plants evolved.
Contrary to what the “experts” say, eating plants can actually be harmful to your body.
The reality is that our bodies have evolved to function most effectively when they are fueled by animal rich foods. When we became hunters, we needed more nutrients, and animal foods provide those nutrients.
The reason the Carnivore Diet works so well is that you are giving your body the fuel it is designed to have. You are powering your body the same way our ancestors did.
Honestly, it’s one of the most profound diets to come along in the past decade. I’m not the only one who has experienced huge benefits. Health conditions ranging from diabetes, to mental health to arthritis, to lupus to eczema to allergies are literally going into remission and not returning.
So, how do you get started with the Carnivore Diet?
Well, you could spend hours and hours researching on the internet and experimenting yourself. And that definitely could work. But you would make a lot of mistakes along the way and probably be tempted to give up.
Or you could let me guide you, step-by-step, so that you avoid all the mistakes and get results fast. Over the past three years, I’ve spent hundreds of hours researching to figure out what works best. I’ve worked closely with doctors and had blood work done many times.
And I’ve put EVERYTHING I know into a single course that is absolutely packed with value.
Introducing: The Carnivore Diet Course
If you…
Are sick of living with health issues
Tired of trying diets that leave you disappointed
Want to live a long, vital, energized life
Eager to operate at peak physical, emotional, and mental health
Want to experience the benefits of the Carnivore Diet fast
Then the Carnivore Diet Course is perfect for you.
This course is designed to provide all the tools you need to understand, transition to, and master eating the Carnivore Diet.
It doesn’t matter if you’ve never tried the Carnivore Diet or if you’re looking to take your carnivore diet from experimentation to mastery. This course is packed with information from all of my experiences in the past 3 years of completely transforming my life through this diet.
Here’s what you’ll learn:
Module 1: Introduction
We’ll dive deep into my backstory of my health crisis, failed experimentation with every single diet, and how I was introduced to the Carnivore Diet through my friend. As you hear my story, you’ll be inspired about what the diet can do in your life.
Module 2: The Carnivore Diet, What is it and Why Does It Work?
In this section, we’ll take a journey back in time to truly understand what it means to optimize our health for ancestral alignment. We’ll learn about the biochemistry of foods and their effects on health and disease. This knowledge will empower you to break down the misconceptions about conventional medicine and diet and embrace a new, more empowering mental framework.
Module 3: Discovering Your Why
Changing habits is extremely difficult. The majority of people fail because they are not driven deeply enough emotionally to make permanent change. In this section we will dive deep into the exact reasons WHY you want to master your health through the Carnivore Diet. Beyond that, we will identify the objections that could delay your results. Lastly, we will temper the challenge by building the right foundation for you to maximize your transformation through this course.
Module 4: Mastering the Emotions and Mindset of Eating
Changing behavior isn’t just about having the right information. Everyone knows what to do, but why doesn’t everyone do it?
In this section, we dive deep into identifying and mastering the feelings driving your deepest primal behaviors that control your subconscious behavior. You’ll learn a step-by-step process for how to identify and overcome each of these enemies as you progress through your journey.
Module 5: The Road to a Nose to Tail Carnivore Diet
Any new plan is overwhelming when you don’t know where to start. In this module, we break down the 7 phases of your journey to a fully optimized Carnivore Diet:
Phase I: Starting Your Carnivore Diet
Phase II: Adding in Carnivore Meals and Animal Fat
Phase III: Pushing Through the Transition
Phase IV: Moving Full-On Carnivore
Phase V: Mastering Meal Prep and Feeding
Phase VI: Optimizing Key Tweaks
Phase VII: Supplementing Key Missing Nutrients
Module 6: Special Topics for Optimal Health
In this last section, we introduce the most advanced level of the Carnivore Diet. You’ll learn additional special topics such as:
Carnivore for Weight Loss
Carnivore for Mental Performance
Carbs for Super Powers
Structuring Optimal Energy and Day
Lab testing for the Carnivore Diet
And more!
Isn’t It Time To Live The Life You Want?
You only have one life to live. Don’t you want to live a life that is vibrant, vital, optimized, and energized? You have great things you want to do. Goals to achieve. Places to go. Relationships to nurture.
Don’t be held back by low energy, poor health, or declining physique. It doesn’t have to be that way. You owe it to yourself to optimize your health so that you are always operating at peak levels.
The choice is up to you. You can keep the status quo and keep dealing with the problems that hold you back. Or you can experience the transformative power of the Carnivore Diet.
What Others Are Saying About The Carnivore Diet
When I purchase The Carnivore Course, how will it be delivered to me?
The Carnivore Course is a digital video course, once you purchase you will be emailed your login to our site. When you purchase the course, you will be able to access the program from the Order Confirmation page. You'll also be sent an email with an access link along with your login credentials. Once you click your access link, you will be able to the course login page where you can access the content.
If for any reason I don't like the course, how do I get a refund?
Simply send an email to contact@optialign.com or give us a call at +1 (512) 649-3334 and we'll get you taken care of!
Do I have to completely stop eating vegetables to do this program?
Yes and no. While some may transition to the Carnivore Diet ‘cold turkey’, another way to approach this diet is by making a gradual transition, especially if you’re used to eating a lot of foods high in carbohydrates. You can still eat a light plant-based diet before you fully transition to full carnivore. In the course there is a module dedicated entirely to discussing how you introduce certain plant foods.
Is the Carnivore Diet safe during pregnancy?
Since I am not a doctor and I’ve never been pregnant, I cannot say a 100% yes to this. However, I have read a lot of testimonials from different women who’ve never encountered any problems having a carnivore diet during pregnancy. In fact, Kelly Hogan was on a carnivore diet through all her 3 children.
Can you exercise while transitioning on the Carnivore Diet?
Absolutely Yes! Low to moderate intensity exercise is an excellent way to pursue health and fitness. Some people experience feeling slightly lower energy during the adaptation phase. That is normal and is why high intensity exercise should be avoided.
Why I Had to Develop This Program
“Kurt, I’ve seen dramatic results…”
“I used to deal with this and now I'm thriving…”
I constantly get messages like this from people who implemented the Carnivore Diet.
Conventional nutritional advice and beliefs have centered around a "balanced" diet being optimal and most empowering. And this misinformation is holding many of us back and even hurting some of us!
Low energy, declining physical health and mental health, negative emotions, poor physique, and falling overall performance are all common today. The progression downhill is often slow and barely noticeable. It’s easy to go through your day and just accept it as status quo.
A recent study indicated that 63% of Americans are not where they want to be in their business, strength and health goals. Even worse, nearly 83% of Americans are dealing with some form of performance draining metabolic dysfunction.
We owe it to ourselves to fuel our single greatest lever and foundation. To feed our bodies with an ancestrally aligned way of eating to power us to do all that we must every day.
Because people are so resourceful, we often go online to find information and motivation that we need to recover, increase body strength, increase endurance.. We look for the optimal diet out there based on what we can find..
Seven in ten people have symptoms of digestive problems that affect their whole body.
That is 74 percent of ALL people in the United States. There is a large group of people that have shared or similar experiences of skin problems, fatigue and anxiety. Many also have poor concentration, are prediabetic, have high blood pressure, build up of allergies, forms of depression and/or are overweight.
So, I set out on A MISSION: To help as many people as possible find a path to restoring their body function back to what it was, BEFORE they had all those digestive-related issues.
First I wrote a book, but then I realized it wasn’t enough to write out and deeply research the science, I had to create a step by step video guide on how to actually do it.
And that’s when this course was born!
I reached out to my good friends and team and said, “We have to do this.”
Who Is Kurt…

Kurt is a successful entrepreneur CEO that has been running his own profitable companies since 2014. His sales career has generated more than $35M in sales.
Before entering entrepreneurship he served as Zillow's East Coast Sales manager leading their first and highest producing sales team out of their first New York City office. Prior to Zillow he supported strategic brand partnerships in Microsoft's advertising division as a Technical Account Manager.
Kurt holds two degrees, one in biology and one in electrical engineering from the University of Washington. He has been an avid student of self development, most specifically in human health and optimization.
During his early entrepreneur years he experienced chronic stress, anxiety and then trauma. Through his recovery and building back, the Carnivore Diet has become an instrumental tool in allowing him to grow his teams and businesses over 300% in 2020.
Through his discovery of this diet and the lifestyle habits he's incorporated, he's been on a mission to help as many people as possible, through the books, content and Youtube videos he and his teams have created.

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